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Bearing Properties of T-Type Combined Bending Glass Plate(PDF)


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Bearing Properties of T-Type Combined Bending Glass Plate
WANG Yuan-qing ZHANG Heng-qiu SHI Yong-jiu
Institute of Glass and Metal Structure for Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
T-type combined bending glass plate load bearing property bending strength buckling load finite element method
T-type combined bending glass plate is more and more widely used in load bearing glass structure, such as glass stair and glass floor. Global buckling occurs under certain conditions and leads to structure damage, andthe bearing capacity is defined by the buckling load, however current code hasnot specified the design method for this structure. Finite element method was used to do parametric analysis on T-type combined bending glassplate static bearing properties; meantime stabilization problems under different load cases were studied and buckling loads; buckling modes were obtained. The calculation results prove that the main factors affect the load bearing properties of this structure including the thickness of plate, height of glass riband width of cover plate, and the main factor affected stability is ratio of width of glass rib to width of flange dominated the stabilization properties most.


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Last Update: 2006-09-20