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Study on Construction of Security Defense System in Zhaoqing Ancient City(PDF)


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Study on Construction of Security Defense System in Zhaoqing Ancient City
(School of Architecture, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710061, Shaanxi, China)
Zhaoqing ancient city city wall security defense system construction
In order to deeply explore the urban heritage value characteristics of Zhaoqing ancient city, which had strong regional characteristics and defensive performance, so as to provide reference for the protection of historical and cultural city and the application for the world heritage of the Ming and Qing Dynasties city walls of Zhaoqing, combined with the construction situation and spatial planning characteristics of the ancient city, the construction dynamic mechanism of Zhaoqing ancient city was systematically ordered, and the security defense system was divided into different levels, the ecological security of site selection, the psychological security of urban construction, the military defense of city wall construction, and the flood control and disaster prevention of water system planning were studied. The results show that the dynamic mechanism of the construction of Zhaoqing ancient city is mainly affected by political culture and economic geography, specifically involving the promotion of policy functions, riots caused by national culture and inevitable natural disasters. The security defense system of Zhaoqing ancient city is the comprehensive embodiment of survival data security and internal and external environment security, material defense security and ideological security. It is an important material for studying the ecological security thought of ancient Chinese cities, the defense and flood control system of city walls, the skills of city construction and repair, and the evolution of urban space in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The ancient city has a good landscape, which has great value to research ancient Chinese landscape cities and large scale landscape axis.


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Last Update: 2021-01-20