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Study of Human Settlements Environment Change in Copenhagen(PDF)


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Study of Human Settlements Environment Change in Copenhagen
HUANG Yong ZHAO Wan-min
School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China
Copenhagen human settlement environment change spatial-temporal structure
Basic conclusions were displayed based on studyof the process and strategy of human settlement environment change in Copenhagen. The important factors in successful human settlement environment construction of Copenhagen were “palm programming” led by the value of human harmonious development between regional ecosystem and literary culture, old-city reform and design mode for public interests protection and the protection and renewal for those districts which connect history and future. Copenhagen held the spatial-temporal structure rule of artificiality and capitalization during the process of human settlement environment change; adhered to the planning philosophy on continuous daily life, projected from the special social structure and culture context; strictly limited the urban planning and design implementation field as well as hastened the pedestrian precinct in historic districts in order to slow the daily life. These factors are the inner reason of successful construction for human settlements environment in Copenhagen.


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Last Update: 2008-06-20