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Equivalent Static Wind Loads of Cylinder Roof(PDF)


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Equivalent Static Wind Loads of Cylinder Roof
NI Zhen-hua DUAN Min XIE Zhuang-ning
Department of Civil Engineering, Shantou University, Shantou 515063, Guangdong, China
equivalent static wind load cylinder roof complete quadratic combination method square root sum of square method
The equivalent static wind loads(ESWL)producing maximum peak responses of roof-structures were formulated based on the modal expansion of the resilience and the quasi-static equation for calculating responses. Two approaches to compute ESWL were presented, where one approach was expressed as a weighted combination of the modal equivalent static wind loads, and the other was expressed as a weighted combination of the background component and resonant component. Wind tunnel experiments of a cylinder roof were conducted by means of the synchronous multi-pressure scanning technique. The peak responses of the vertical displacement at different wind azimuths were calculated with the complete quadratic combination(CQC)method and the square root sum of square(SRSS)method, and the effects of modal coupling were checked. The distributions of the equivalent static wind loads on the cylinder roof obtained from two approaches above were compared with the mean wind loads, and the corresponding peak responses and mean responses were analyzed. The analysis results indicate that the equivalent static wind loads acting on many nodes are much greater than the mean wind loads, and the effects of fluctuating wind and resonance are deserving of attention.


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Last Update: 2006-03-20