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Static Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Frame Structure Based on Force Analogy Method(PDF)


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Static Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Frame Structure Based on Force Analogy Method
LIU Zhe-feng SHEN Pu-sheng GONG Hu-guang
School of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, Hunan, China
force analogy method frame structure elastic-plastic analysis semi-rigid connection static
According to the present situation that the force analogy method can only be applied in analysis of steel frame with rigid connections, a universal formula of the algorithm for the static elastic-plastic analysis of frame structure was derived and proposed based on the mechanic characteristics of reinforced concrete frames and steel frames with semi-rigid connections and the basic assumptions and theory of the force analogy method. The plastic hinge in reinforced concrete structure and the relation of moments and relative rotation angle in steel frames with semi-rigid connections were gained. By comparing with the results based on the finite elements calculation result, the algorithm was proved to be efficient in analyzing not only reinforced concrete frames, but also steel frames with semi-rigid connections. Authors provided a foundation for applying the dynamic elastic-plastic analysis based on the force analogy method including earthquake energy analysis extended to reinforced concrete frames as well as steel frames with semi-rigid connections.


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Last Update: 2006-09-20