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Design Method of Strengthening Prestressed Concrete Crane Girder Using CFRP(PDF)


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Design Method of Strengthening Prestressed Concrete Crane Girder Using CFRP
ZHONG Long ZHENG Shan-suo WANG Bin ZENG Lei ZHA Chun-guang
School of Civil Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, Shaanxi, China
crane girder prestressed concrete strengthening carbon fiber reinforced polymer design method
The tentative treatment schemes were put forward to solve the existing problems in prestressed concrete crane girders. Through comparing and analyzing the initial treatment schemes, and combining the demands of use, the sticking carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP)was chosen to strengthen crane girders. Authors introduced the design schemes to strengthen fish-bellied T-section prestressed concrete crane girders by CFRP, including the computing methods of bending and shear carrying capacity, as well as the corresponding construction methods and strengthening measures were presented. The research result shows that all kinds of technical indexes of crane girder can meet the demands of design after strengthening.


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Last Update: 2007-06-20