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Evolution and Formation Factors of Architectural Culture and Style in Lanzhou City(PDF)


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Evolution and Formation Factors of Architectural Culture and Style in Lanzhou City
XIANG Fa-min YANG Yong-chun QIAO Lin-huang
School of Resource and Environmental Science, LanzhouUniversity, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China
architectural culture architectural style Lanzhou City evolution social culture
Lanzhou City's architectural style has its unique characteristics, and has in common with other China cities and towns. Authors attempted to analyze the evolution and formation of Lanzhou City's urban architectural culture and style. Through field surveys and related statistics, authors found that many factors impacted the evolution and formation of Lanzhou City's architectural culture and style, including the natural environment, social culture, economy as well as science and technology. Furthermore, authors analyzed specifically the influence of these factors on the evolution and formation of architectural culture and style in Lanzhou City. Finally, the development tendency of architectural culture and style in Lanzhou City and the problems which should be noted in the future development were discussed, and some references for other cities and towns of China were provided.


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Last Update: 2007-06-20