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Analysis on Coupling Force of New and Old Beams After WideningHollow Slab Bridge(PDF)


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Analysis on Coupling Force of New and Old Beams After WideningHollow Slab Bridge
ZHAO Bao-jun DANG Zhi-ping ZHU Guo-rui MENG Jiang
Post Doctoral Research Station of Transportation Engineering, Chang’an University
bridge engineering hollow slab bridge widening coupling force connection form
In order to study the effect of lateral load transfer and deformation rules of widening hollow slab bridge, the finite element model was established to analyze the new and old connection coupling force in different ways (hinged or rigid), and the influences of different connections on the force of the new and old boards were studied. The results show that after using different connection form to widen, old bridge transverse distribution coefficient of each plate is lower than that of the original plate, it is showed that old plate still plays a controlling role after widening, but the overall mechanical performance is improved. The force and deflection of side plate is larger than that of the internal plate, and the force and deflection of new internal plate is smaller than that of the old one after widening. When hollow slab bridge is widened using rigid connection, the rise of the overall rigidity of the bridge is larger than that using hinged connection. With the increase of coupling stiffness, the overall rigidity of the bridge increases, bending moment and deflection decrease clearly, the top edge compressive stress decreases, and bottom flange tensile stress increases. In the view of structure stress and the overall structure properties, the compressive stress of the top edge is smaller than that using rigid connection, and fully rigid connection form of stress is more reasonable.



Last Update: 2016-01-29