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Seismic Behavior of Steel Recycled Concrete Column and Steel Beam Joint of Square Steel Tube(PDF)


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Seismic Behavior of Steel Recycled Concrete Column and Steel Beam Joint of Square Steel Tube
LIU Jian MAO Jie CHEN Yuan ZHOU Guan-gen YU Zhi-wei REN Da
School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University
steel tube confined steel recycled concrete column and steel beam joint connection form seismic performance influence factor analysis
Considering the nonlinear and plastic damage constitutive of recycled concrete and geometric, three steel recycled concrete column and steel beam joint finite element models including outer-shell stiffening ring all-welded rigid connection, the outer tube end plate connection semi-rigid connection, and bolt connection of top and seat angle, were established, and the seismic performance of models were analyzed. The results show that under the condition of low cycle load, the columns with supporting skeleton and without through member are beneficial to improve the integrity of core recycled concrete in joint area, and the force is simple. The outer-shell restraint joint domain stress and strain of the core recycled concrete are small, which are beneficial to the improvement of the durability of recycled concrete. Under the same compression ratio, stiffness ratio of beam to column, the bearing capacity and hysteretic energy dissipation capacity of outer-shell stiffening ring all-welded rigid joints are higher, but the ductility is relatively poor. The semi-rigid bearing capacity and hysteretic energy of bolt connection of top and seat angle are relatively low, and the ductility is good. The ultimate bearing capacity, hysteretic energy dissipation capacity and ductility of the outer tube type of semi-rigid end plate connections all have good performance. On this basis, the impact parameter analyses on semi-rigid joints connected by casing pipe end plate were carried. The results show that the axial compression ratio has little effect on the node in the elastic phase, in the yield and plastic hardening stages, with the axial compression ratio increases, the ultimate bearing capacity of the joint and the ductility decrease. In the premise of strong column weak beam, the increasing of linear stiffness ratio of beam to column are benefit with the improving of joint elastic stiffness and ultimate bearing capacity, beam column stiffness ratio and after yielding have little effect on joint stiffness degradation. The impact of yielding strength is mainly reflected in the ultimate horizontal bearing capacity of joints, and the replacement rate of recycled aggregate has a little effect on the ductility performance of joints. The thicknesses of outer tube and end plate have some effects on elastic stiffness and ultimate bearing capacity of joints in a certain range, but the growth rate becomes smaller with increasing thickness.



Last Update: 2018-05-31