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Study on influence of web member stiffness on structural internal force and seismic performance in vierendeel truss transfer structure(PDF)


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Study on influence of web member stiffness on structural internal force and seismic performance in vierendeel truss transfer structure
ZHANG Zhentai1 YUE Qingxia12
(1.School of Civil Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, Shandong, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Building Structural Retrofitting & Underground Space Engineering, Ministry of Education, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, Shandong, China)
vierendeel truss transfer structure web member stiffness static performance seismic performance fragility analysis
In order to investigate the influence of web member stiffness on the overall mechanical performance of the structure, an vierendeel web truss transfer frame structure model considering model different web stiffness was established, and dynamic analyses were conducted under vertical loads and seismic increments. The results show that appropriately increasing the stiffness of the web member can reduce the peak bending moment of the upper and lower chord members and increase the vertical stiffness. When the stiffness ratio of the web member to the chord member approaches 0.8, the positive bending moments at the mid span position of the lower chord member and the web member position are approximately the same. With the increase of seismic intensity, the influence of web stiffness on the seismic performance of structures significantly increases. When the stiffness of the web increases, the anti-collapse ability of the structure decreases in rare or extremely rare earthquakes, and the anti-collapse reserve coefficient decreases. When the ratio of linear stiffness of the side web member to the chord member increases from 0.078 to 1.323, the probability of structure reaching the level of life safety performance under rare earthquake action increases by 44%, and the probability of reaching the level of collapse prevention performance under extremely rare earthquake action increases by 98%. For the web member stiffness of the vierendeel truss transfer structure, the impact of its changes on the internal forces and seismic performance of the structure should be comprehensively considered for optimization design.


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Last Update: 2025-01-20