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Analysis of Shear Lag Effect of Single box Twin-cell Composite Box Girder(PDF)


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Analysis of Shear Lag Effect of Single box Twin-cell Composite Box Girder
ZHOU Shi-jun HUANG Yu JIANG Yao CHEN Chen LI Wen-hao FANG Lu
School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University
steel-concrete composite box girder shear lag effect energy variational method slip
The different shear warping displacement functions were introduced into the composite box girder plate, the concrete roof and the cantilever plate. The differential equations were deduced by energy variational method for the shear lag effect, the relative slip of the interface and the shear deformation of the steel web. A closed-form solution for the case of uniform loading was derived. Taking the singlebox doublecell composite box girder with cantilever wing as an example, the shear lag effect was analyzed by using the proposed analytical method and compared with the finite element numerical solution analyzed by the software of ANSYS. The results show that the results obtained by the analytical method are in good agreement with the finite element calculation results of ANSYS. With the increase of the sliding stiffness, the interface slip and the deflection increase, while the shear lag effect has no obvious change.Therefore, the influence of the sliding stiffness on the shear lag effect can be neglected under certain conditions. The stress of the concrete roof increases with the increase of the sliding stiffness, and the shear lag effect of the roof in the middle web part is larger than the edge web part, while the steel box girder floor is opposite.



Last Update: 2017-11-30