[1]吴 锐,梅永贵,邓清禄,等.滑坡作用下输气管道受力分析[J].建筑科学与工程学报,2014,31(03):105-111.
WU Rui,MEI Yong-gui,DENG Qing-lu,et al.Stress Analysis of Buried Gas Pipeline Under Landslide Load[J].Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering,2014,31(03):105-111.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Stress Analysis of Buried Gas Pipeline Under Landslide Load
- 作者:
吴 锐,梅永贵,邓清禄,庞成立,照冬野
- Author(s):
WU Rui, MEI Yong-gui, DENG Qing-lu, PANG Cheng-li, ZHAO Dong-ye
School of Engineering, China University of Geosciences
- 关键词:
滑坡; 输气管道; 受力分析; 静力学模型; 强度校核理论
- Keywords:
landslide; gas pipeline; stress analysis; static analysis model; strength check theory
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
On the background of the pipeline laying project through the Luozhentian landslide in the gas transportation from Sichuan to eastern area, the response features of landslide displacement and thrust to the stress and strain of the pipeline were acquired, via the mechanical modeling of the pipeline laying landslide and analytic statics calculating method of the deformation and force state of the pipeline, therefore, providing the quantitative assessment criteria to the security risk evaluation and early warning of geologic hazard. The results indicate that this pipeline laying landslide is safe currently. The distribution curve of pipeline deformation obeys the normal distribution law. The pipeline deformation reaches the peak in the middle of the landslide, while reducing gradually to the edges of two sides. The pipeline bending moment is in the bending state of the simply supported beam with two fixed edges under distributed loads. The maximal pipeline stress is on the two sides, showing the positive bending in the middle and negative bending on the sides, which making the edges of two sides damaged most easily. The study results can serve as theoretical references to the geologic hazard early warning in the similar oilgas pipeline laying landslide.
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