[1]江力强,郑 宏,赵 鹏,等.交叉加劲钢板深梁弹性屈曲分析[J].建筑科学与工程学报,2015,32(04):80-85.
JIANG Li-qiang,ZHENG Hong,ZHAO Peng,et al.Elastic Buckling Analysis on Steel Plate Deep Beam with Diagonal Stiffeners[J].Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering,2015,32(04):80-85.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
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- Title:
Elastic Buckling Analysis on Steel Plate Deep Beam with Diagonal Stiffeners
- 作者:
江力强,郑 宏,赵 鹏,袁晓洒
- Author(s):
JIANG Li-qiang, ZHENG Hong, ZHAO Peng, YUAN Xiao-sa
School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University
- 关键词:
交叉加劲; 钢板深梁; 屈曲荷载; 门槛刚度比; 等效屈曲系数
- Keywords:
diagonal stiffener; steel plate deep beam; buckling load; threshold stiffness ratio; equivalent buckling coefficient
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The elastic buckling behavior of steel plate deep beam with diagonal stiffeners was studied using finite element analysis software ANSYS. The influences of bending stiffness ratio, spandepth ratio, thickness of steel plate deep beam on elastic buckling were discussed; Considering bending shear stress characteristic of steel plate deep beam in steel frame, the calculation formula for buckling load of steel plate deep beam with diagonal stiffeners was introduced by using the classic theory of plate and equivalent buckling coefficient. The results show that critical buckling load increases when bending stiffness ratio increases, but the increment sharply decreases while bending stiffness ratio is equal to threshold stiffness ratio which is about 10. The critical buckling load decreases when spandepth ratio and thickness of plate decrease. The equivalent buckling coefficient increases when thickness of the plate decreases. The curves of equivalent buckling coefficient and spandepth ratio change from shape of seconddegree parabola to wave of gradient when thickness of plate decreases. It means that the mechanical properties of steel plate deep beam with diagonal stiffeners are from shear to bend.
YUAN Xiao-sa,ZHENG Hong,YU Chang-liang.Interactive Analysis of Steel Deep Beam Infilling Steel Frame[J].Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering,2012,29(04):43.
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