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 ZHAO Kaixuan,ZHANG Shasha,CHANG Chunpu,et al.Influence of chloride ion on salt expansion of coarse-grained sulfate saline soil under multiple factors[J].Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering,2023,40(03):180-190.[doi:10.19815/j.jace.2021.11111]





Influence of chloride ion on salt expansion of coarse-grained sulfate saline soil under multiple factors
(1. 长安大学 公路学院,陕西 西安 710064; 2. 长安大学 特殊地区公路工程教育部重点实验室,陕西 西安 710064; 3. 和田师范专科学校 后勤服务中心,新疆 和田 848000)
ZHAO Kaixuan1,2, ZHANG Shasha1,2, CHANG Chunpu1,3, YANG Xiaohua1,2
(1. School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 3. Rear Service Center, Hetian Normal College, Hetian 848000, Xinjiang, China)
路基工程 粗粒盐渍土 盐胀率 降温试验 氯离子
roadbed engineering coarse-grained saline soil salt expansion rate cooling test chloride ion
为了探明氯离子对粗粒硫酸盐渍土盐胀特性的影响,采用人工配制的粗粒硫酸盐渍土,以含盐量、压实度、含水率、上覆荷载等单因素试验为基础,对粗粒硫酸盐渍土进行多因素下单次降温试验,通过添加无水氯化钠研究氯盐的存在对粗粒硫酸盐渍土盐胀特性的影响。结果表明:提高氯离子含量和上覆荷载大小对砾类、砂类硫酸盐渍土盐胀均有显著的抑制作用; 在89%~97%的范围内提高压实度对抑制砾类、砂类硫酸盐渍土的盐胀率增长无显著效果; 在7%与7.85%含盐量下,增加含水率对砾类、砂类盐渍土的盐胀有显著促进作用; 对于砂类盐渍土,在2%含盐量下增大含水率会降低其盐胀率,在5%含盐量下增大含水率盐胀率会先增大后下降,在13.7%含盐量下增大含水率会增大其盐胀率; 对于砾类盐渍土,各因素对盐胀率的影响由大到小依次为含盐量、含水率、上覆荷载、压实度、含盐量与含水率交互作用; 对于砂类盐渍土,各因素对盐胀率的影响由大到小依次为含盐量、含盐量与含水率交互作用、上覆荷载、压实度、含水率。
In order to find out the influence of chloride ion on the salt expansion properties of coarse-grained sulfate saline soil, manual configuration coarse-grained sulfate saline soil was used to run single factor test of salt content, compaction, moisture content and overburden load. On this basis, single cooling test under multiple factors of coarse-grained sulphate saline soil was carried out, and the influence of chloride salt on the salt expansion properties of coarse-grained sulfate saline soil was studied by adding anhydrous sodium chloride. The results show that the increase of chloride ion content and overburden load has a significant inhibitory effect on the salt expansion of gravel and sand sulfate saline soil. Increasing the compaction in the range of 89%-97% has no significant effect on inhibiting the growth of salt expansion rate of gravel and sand sulphate saline soil. Under the salt content of 7% and 7.85%, the increase of water content has a significant effect on the salt expansion of gravel and sand saline soil. For sand saline soil, the salt content decreases constantly under 2% salt content, firstly increases, and then decreases under 5% salt content and increases under 13.7% salt content. For gravel saline soil, the influence of various factors on salt expansion rate from large to small is salt content, water content, overburden load, compaction and interaction between salt content and water content. For sand saline soil, the influence of various factors on salt expansion rate from large to small is salt content, interaction between salt content and water content, overburden load, compaction and water content.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41807245); 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2019JM-147); 中国中铁重大科研项目(2017-重大-11-04); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(300102219219)
作者简介:赵凯旋(1997-),男,工学硕士研究生, E-mail:zkx_1206@163.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-05-20