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Calculation of Initial Rotational Stiffness for Stiffened Extended Endplate Connection of Portal Frame(PDF)


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Calculation of Initial Rotational Stiffness for Stiffened Extended Endplate Connection of Portal Frame
ZHANG Wei HUANG Zu-hua LAI Cang-lin LIN Hong-wei
Fujian Academy of Building Research, Fuzhou 350025, Fujian, China
portal frame initial rotational stiffness component method endplate connection stiffener
A modified component method introduced in Eurocode 3 was presented. The component of tensile stiffness between stiffened extended endplate and stiffened column flange was considered. The calculation of initial rotational stiffness for stiffened extended endplate connection that was most common in portal frames would be possible by this method. The simplified analytical models and calculation procedures for such kind of joint were provided in detail. Experiments were carried out to verify the method. The results show that the presented method basically coincides with the experimental results. The method can be utilized to determine the initial rotational stiffness for part of the existing joints of portal frames that does not correspond with the requirements of rigid presupposition. The determination of joint initial rotational stiffness is also the precondition of force analysis for such kind of structure.


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Last Update: 2011-09-20