[1]吴方伯,左 瑞,文 俊,等.免拆模混凝土梁受弯性能试验[J].建筑科学与工程学报,2018,35(02):8-15.
WU Fang-bo,ZUO Rui,WEN Jun,et al.Experiment on Bending Performance of Concrete Beam Without Demoulding[J].Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering,2018,35(02):8-15.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Experiment on Bending Performance of Concrete Beam Without Demoulding
- 作者:
吴方伯,左 瑞,文 俊,刘 彪,周绪红
- Author(s):
WU Fang-bo, ZUO Rui, WEN Jun, LIU Biao, ZHOU Xu-hong
College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University
- 关键词:
U形混凝土模块; 免拆模混凝土梁; 单向静力试验; 受力性能; 荷载特征值
- Keywords:
U-shaped concrete formwork; concrete beam without demoulding; unidirectional static experiment; mechanical behavior; load characteristic value
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
In order to study the bending performance of concrete beam without demoulding, a concrete beam without demoulding and a cast-in-place contrast beam were designed. Two specimens were subjected to unidirectional static loading, and the failure modes, load characteristic values, load-strain curves of concrete, load-strain curves of reinforcement and load-displacement curves of midspan were obtained and compared. The results show that the crack development of concrete beam without demoulding and cast-in-place beam is quite different in the pre-yield phase of component, but the overall damage characteristics of the two specimens are basically similar in the end of the failure. The U-shaped concrete formwork of concrete beams without demoulding works well with internal post pouring concrete, and through the entire loading process, the U-shaped concrete formwork doesn’t fall off and tear. The cracking load of concrete beam without demoulding is about 8% lower than that of the cast-in-place beam, but the ultimate load of the two specimens are roughly the same. In practical engineering project, the current Code for Design of Concrete Structures can be used to calculate the cracking load and the ultimate load of concrete beam without demoulding, and the result is safe.
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