[1]庄 勇,王 健,方 海,等.空间格构腹板增强泡沫夹芯复合材料-试件准静态压缩吸能试验[J].建筑科学与工程学报,2018,35(05):70-77.
ZHUANG Yong,WANG Jian,FANG Hai,et al.Experimental Investigation on Energy Absorption of Foam Sandwich Composite with Spatial Reinforced Lattice Web Under Quasi-static Compression[J].Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering,2018,35(05):70-77.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Experimental Investigation on Energy Absorption of Foam Sandwich Composite with Spatial Reinforced Lattice Web Under Quasi-static Compression
- 作者:
庄 勇,王 健,方 海,刘伟庆,陈继业
- Author(s):
ZHUANG Yong,WANG Jian, FANG Hai, LIU Wei-qing, CHEN Ji-ye
College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University
- 关键词:
空间格构腹板; 复合材料结构; 准静态压缩; 破坏模式; 吸能性能
- Keywords:
spatial reinforced lattice web; composite sandwich structure; quasi-static compression; failure mode; performance of energy absorption
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Foam sandwich composite specimens with spatial reinforced lattice webs were produced with panels, lattice webs which were made from glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) and core which was made from polyurethane foam. Double-layered orthogonal lattice webs were transformed into double-layered dislocation lattice webs, triple-layered dislocation lattice webs, hexagonal lattice webs and trapezoid lattice webs by changing vertical lattice webs. Quasistatic compression text was performed on specimens to record the failure process of test specimens and obtain its load-displacement curves. The causes of different failure modes were analyzed and the variation of bearing capacity of specimens during quasi-static compression were compared. The energy absorption performance of specimens was compared by introducing energy absorption value, specific energy absorption and mean crushing load. The results show that failure mode such as sudden buckling destruction of vertical lattice webs is changed into vertical lattice webs first produces tilt and then bending failure, division of oblique lattice and foam, division of oblique lattice and oblique lattice by changing spatial position of vertical lattice webs. It can also effectively reduce elastic mutation of bearing capacity and brittleness. The bending failure of vertical lattice webs absorbs more energy than division of oblique lattice webs. The maximum fluctuation of the energy absorption value of test specimens is 16.6%. The energy absorption value of specimens increases linearly with the increase of compression. The performance of energy absorption of tested specimens is relatively stable.
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