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 WANG Yi-lin,LIU Xi-la,FANG Cong-qi.Bridge Damage Detection Method Based on Strain Index[J].Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering,2011,28(02):62-68.





Bridge Damage Detection Method Based on Strain Index
上海交通大学 土木工程系,上海 200240
WANG Yi-lin, LIU Xi-la, FANG Cong-qi
Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China
桥梁 损伤识别 应变指标 弯曲正应变 剪切应变
bridge damage detection strain index bending strain shear strain
为了更好地实现桥梁的损伤识别、确保结构安全,探讨了应变指标(弯曲正应变和剪切应变)在桥梁损伤识别中的应用,给出了具体的应用方式,并通过多个数值模拟实例进行了验证; 考虑到该指标的显著局部性,给出了测点优化布置的方法; 考虑实际应用时的具体情况,分析了该方法识别结果的存在性、惟一性和稳定性问题,给出了有效的处理方法,使之有了很强的实用性。结果表明:该方法能直接发现损伤,对小损伤比较敏感,而且处理方式简单、结果可靠。
In order to safeguard the safety of bridges, capabilities to locate and quantify damage of strain indexes(including bending strain and shear strain)were considered as basic characteristics of the method to be investigated. The application processes of this kind of indexes were proposed and the effectivenesses were demonstrated by several numerical simulation examples. The optimization manner of measurement point was also proposed to meet the requirement of actual application. Furthermore, the existence, uniqueness and stability of the detection results were analyzed and then suggestions for improvement were provided. Results show that the method based on strain index is sensitive to tiny damage and allows simple, convenient detection for bridge damages.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2011-06-20