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Journal Introduction

¡¡¡¡Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering (JACE) is an academic journal, which is organized by Ministry of Education of China and sponsored by Chang¡¯an University and China Civil Engineering Society. The first issue of JACE was published in 1984. Before 2005 the old name of ¡®Journal of Chang¡¯an University (Architecture and Civil Engineering Edition)¡¯ was used and after that the name of JACE was officially fixed. JACE is a comprehensive journal in civil engineering and architecture field including building structure, geotechnical engineering, underground structures and foundation engineering, disaster prevention and reduction, bridge engineering, building material, architecture, municipal engineering, mechanics and other topics in civil engineering and architecture field.
¡¡¡¡JACE has an excellent editorial board. The chief editor of JACE is Prof. ZHOU Xu-hong, the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. There are 23 academicians, more than 10 Cheung Kong Scholars, as well as international famous scientists, Lei Xu£¨University of Waterloo£¬Canada£©, Gregory J. Hancock (The University of Sydney, Australia), W. F. Chen (University of Hawai¡¯I at manoa, America). Siu-lai Chan (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Michel Ghosn (The City College of New York, America), Frank Lam (The Universiy of British Columbia, Canada), S. F. Stiemer (The Universiy of British Columbia, Canada), Jin-guang Teng (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China), Bruno Briseghella (Fuzhou University, China), Yan Xiao (University of Southern California, America), in the editorial board of JACE.
¡¡¡¡In recent years, there are more than 20 published papers written by academicians, and more than 30% published papers are from famous doctoral tutors and professors. JACE was awarded as ¡®Excellent Journal¡¯ in journal evaluation for several times, and was also awarded as ¡®Top Academic Journal¡¯,¡®Top University Journal¡¯ in China.
¡¡¡¡To build an international platform for communication of scientists, JACE is longing for support of active experts, scientists, and scholars in the field of civil engineering from all over the world to join in our editorial board. If you or someone you know may have interest in our journal, please contact us without any hesitation. Thank you very much.
¡¡¡¡JACE is calling papers! All the manuscripts in architecture and civil engineering are welcome and appreciated. JACE publishes original research papers with high quality, and the submitted manuscript will go through peer-review process. You can submit papers at http://jace.chd.edu.cn/en or send English manuscripts to us by e-mail, you will get the response soon.
¡¡¡¡JACE has been indexed by lots of famous international databases, such as Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Index of Copernicus (IC), and Ulrichsweb. The impact factor of JACE is 0.811 in 2015, which is one of the top journals in civil engineering and architecture field.
¡¡¡¡Welcome to browse the website, read and cite JACE articles. Any questions can be answered at jzxb@chd.edu.cn or 82334397@163.com.
¡¡¡¡Contact: Qingguo Song, director of Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering
¡¡¡¡Tel: +86-29-82334397
¡¡¡¡Fax: +86-29-82334536
¡¡¡¡Website: http://jace.chd.edu.cn/en/
¡¡¡¡E-mail: jzxb@chd.edu.cn
¡¡¡¡Address: Periodical Office, Chang¡¯an University, Southern Middle Section of the Second Circular Road, Xi¡¯an 710064, Shaanxi, P.R. China